Classes for Perspective Umpires

Hudson County Baseball Umpires Association will be offering cadet classes for prospective baseball and softball umpires starting January 5 through March. Sessions will run from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Jersey City. The program will certify cadets for high school games. Candidates should contact Mike Lynch at (201) 747-4510 or

Bayonne Bulldogs Seeking Managers and Coaches

In response to the overwhelming interest in the Bulldog program, the Bayonne Bulldogs Travel baseball team is seeking managers and coaches for the 8U-14U teams. Please inbox the Bayonne Bulldogs on their facebook page or email them at

The Division of Recreation Announces Pillo Hockey

The Division of Recreation Special Needs Sports Program will meet November 14, at 12 p.m. at the Bayonne High School Ice Rink Gym, for Pillo Hockey. For anyone interested in joining the Division of Recreation Special Needs Sports Program, please contact Pete Amadeo at (201) 858-6129 or email

Registration for Bayonne Little League is Open

Bayonne Little League Registration is open for Spring 2016: Baseball for boys ages 5 – 14 and Girls softball for girls ages 6 – 16. We are at 200 West 1st Street. Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. For information, call (201) 858 – 9147.

Division of Recreation Announces Co-Ed Youth Floor Hockey Registration for 8-13 year olds

Mayor Jimmy Davis has announced that the Recreation Division has begun registration for the Co-Ed Indoor Floor Hockey League. The league is open to Bayonne Residents, boys and girls, ages 8 to 13. You must be a Bayonne resident to participate and you must turn 8 yrs old before March 15, 2016 and you must …

Jetting to Victory

Congratulations to the Jets, the 2015 Division of Recreation Youth Flag Football 9 & 10 Year Old Division Champions. The Jets defeated the Vikings, 116-110, in overtime, to capture the Division title.

Cifuentes and the Colts Outduel Kruchkowski and the Jets in Overtime

With two hard fought defeats on their 2015 resume, the Jets hoped to right the ship as they took on the (1-1) Colts in a JCC of Bayonne Jr. Division Indoor Flag Football bout. Playing at a frenzied pace, the Jets’ Jack Kruchkowski and the Colts’ Aaliyana Cifuentes each notched 20 points as both players …