TASTY TIDBITSOrtiz wins Non-Public B state title
Hagueini’s second round selections; grid performances

Hudson Catholic now has a state champion in cross country. Fabulous freshman Crystal Ortiz added the NJSIAA Non-Public B state championship to the Hudson County Track Coaches Association and Catholic Track Conference titles she won earlier this year. Ortiz romped home to the state title Saturday at Holmdel Park, crossing the line in 19:20.29, an …

Hagueini’s second round selections; grid performances

Big letter days at St. Anthony, Memorial
Hoop standouts Bendary, McDuffie, baseball standout Acosta all sign letters of intent

While high school football standouts enjoy their big college letter signing day in early February, athletes from other sports can sign their national letters of intent in November – thus the reason for celebrations at both St. Anthony and Memorial over the last few weeks. At St. Anthony, two members of the school’s renowned basketball …

Hoop standouts Bendary, McDuffie, baseball standout Acosta all sign letters of intent

High school umpire classes available

The Hudson County Baseball Umpires Association will hold baseball and softball classes for anyone interested in becoming a certified high school umpire. Classes will be held in Jersey City Tuesdays, January through March. For info, call Mike Lynch (201) 437-3381 or (killtheump@aol.com).


– Bayonne City Council President Sharon Nadrowski is pictured in Manhattan at the Mile 17 mark of the TCS New York City Marathon on Nov. 2. Nadrowski finished her first N.Y. Marathon with a 4:26 time.


Bayonne Youth Soccer Association (BYSA) and Team 4B1 Coach Mac Sadek and each member of our team want to say thank you to Marek’s & Son Construction for sponsoring our team this season. Without your support this season would not be possible. Thanks a lot for your continuing to support BYSA. Pictured standing from left …


— The American Okinawan Karate Assoc. Inc and Grand Master Ralph Passero presented the AOKA Inc. Grand Master Don Nagle 57th World Open Karate Championships on Saturday September 20. The Bayonne High School Karate League attended. Ms Rachel Kinigstein competed in the Super Juniors Novice division in Kata (forms) and placed fourth. Master William Toolen …

Secaucus boys’ soccer: The unlikeliest of sectional finalists

The calendar might have read mid-November and usually by this time of the high school sports schedule, the soccer balls and uniforms have long been tucked away in the equipment locker at Secaucus High School. See, when you get to November, it’s generally the time of the NJSIAA state tournament. When you get to the …

Secaucus boys’ soccer: The unlikeliest of sectional finalists