Secaucus EPS Program

Dear Editor: Dear Mayor Gonnelli: I would like to thank you, Mayor Gonnelli and the town council for the creation of the “Exceptional People of Secaucus” program. It is long overdue that the most under represented and least catered to minority in society is given their just due. As a parent of a child involved …

Financial planners should invest based on clients’ best interests, not their own

Dear Editor: Millions of Americans save for retirement using a 401(k), but how do they know if they are making the best investment decisions. We may not all be Warren Buffet, but we all want someone like him advising us on how to best invest our retirement savings. However, the law does not hold all …

Thank you kind man

Dear Editor: I live in Hoboken. Last week I had a nice conversation with a gentleman in the Hoboken Path Station about how my sister, who just passed away, used to send money to St. Jude’s charity hospital for children. I told him I was going to send money there in the near future. It …

Labor of love

Dear Editor: On behalf of the Town Council and myself, I would like to thank Home Depot for their partnership with the Town of Secaucus during the Violet Kieck Project. This project has truly been a labor of love. I would like to acknowledge Matt Keating – Home Depot District Mgr., Kathy Tipia-Store Mgr. Secaucus …

No hope

Dear Editor: Ron Lowe (Letters, June 28) wants to convince us that we’ll be better off electing a Democrat, rather than a Republican, for president in 2016. Really? Well, according to Ralph Nader and others who tell the truth, there is only a “dime’s worth of difference” between the political parties. Both are ruled by …

Sahil’s story

Dear Editor: Forgive a proud grandfather for telling this story, but I think it deserves to be told because too often we only hear stories of youngsters who get in trouble. My 14-year-old grandson, Sahil Padmesh Patel, has been a high honor roll student through all the years he has been eligible for that distinction …


Dear Editor: To the ladies who drove me home Sunday after mass. They live at the North end. Thank you. To the ladies that helped me climb the stairs when the elevators were out. May you all be blessed for the kindness and patience you’ve shown me. Thank you, Catherine Derienzo