Start believing

Dear Editor: Mayor Gonnelli delights in projecting the image that “I conjure up things”. If one read the Secaucus Home News, 3/19/15 issue, he stated, and I quote, “the best part is that nobody believes what you write.’ Permit me once again expose his misconception of me, and in the process of doing so, expose …


Dear Editor: Ninety-five years after American women won the vote, 167 years after women began fighting for it; in a country where women earn 22 percent less than men, where women are stereotyped and maligned merely because they act like women, and where women bear the weight of most childrearing and caregiving; in a world …

Back to school food

Dear Editor: With the new school year just around the corner, parents’ attention is turning to school clothes, supplies, and lunches. Yes, school lunches! In past years, USDA had used our nation’s schools as a dumping ground for surplus meat and dairy commodities. Not surprisingly, one-third of children have become overweight or obese. Their early …

What next?

Dear Editor: At the July 30th Board meeting, I urged the Board to fill the position of Building and Grounds. On April 14, at a “Special Meeting,” (I’ll have more to say about that meeting once I decipher the minutes of that meeting). Why I have chosen the word “decipher” will become evident once the …

Fatal fire in Bayonne and the need for updated fire sprinkler laws

Dear Editor: In the early morning hours of Saturday, July 11, a devastating four-alarm fire tore through a multi-family home on East 21st Street in Bayonne, claiming the lives of an elderly and disabled husband and wife, hospitalizing three, and displacing eight families. The tragedy may have been worse if it weren’t for the firefighter’s …