No increase?

Dear Editor: Senior citizens will not receive an increase in social security this year. Congress says that the cost of living did not rise. What planet are they living on? You can bet your life that they will vote to increase their over inflated salaries. The fact is everything has gone up: groceries, rent, taxes, …

Neighborly help

Dear Editor: I would like to thank Marge Makarski my neighbor for helping me put all my boxes of paper out with the recycle and garbage. I thought I could do it. That’s what I told my grandson, George, so he did not have to come and do it for me this time. Marge saw …

Thank you for helping typhoon-affected kids

Dear Editor: On behalf of the typhoon affected school children of the Philippines, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the Secaucus School District Administration, the Service Learning Coordinator, and Student Government Organizations and their Advisors for their help in making FIL-Aid’s “From Trick or Treat to Holiday Gifts for Typhoon …

Thank you to all who made little Frankie Scibetta’s fundraiser a success

Dear Editor: On behalf of the Scibetta Family, Det. Vito Aiello, Det. Tony Lucia, Det. Mayra Ransom and myself, we would like to thank everyone who helped to make the fundraiser for little Frankie Scibetta a success. We would especially like to thank Sheriff Juan M. Perez, Chief John Bartucci and Hudson County Sheriff’s Officers …

Hudson Sheriff urges tightening restraints on domestic abuse

Dear Editor: It is extremely disturbing that statistics indicate that those who are subject to acts of domestic violence are seriously injured or killed by those individuals who have violated the court ordered restraining orders. As law enforcement officers and those involved with court actions concerning domestic abuse and violence we need to be concerned …