Can Mr. Schillari speak?

Dear Editor: I reviewed the recent interviews of Hudson County Sheriff Juan M. Perez and Mr. Frank Schillari in your newspapers. The interviews were well conducted by your reporter but I noted something very strange in the interview of Mr. Schillari. In the interview of Sheriff Perez, he responded to each and every question of …

Christie budget raises seniors’ medication costs

Dear Editor: Unless Governor Chris Christie’s proposed budget is changed by the Legislature, many low-income seniors are in for a nasty shock and possibly a bout of poor health when they try to refill their prescriptions in January. The budget proposal says some seniors enrolled in the Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD) …

Hats off, Francis!

Dear Editor: On June 8, there will be a primary election held for Hudson County Sheriff. What I would like to see, in a County Sheriff, is a gentleman who’s going to respectfully take his cap off before entering a building rather than tightening up a cowboy hat. I want someone who is humble, not …