Commends hospital

Dear Editor: Recently, I became very ill due to a stomach virus. Because of the symptoms I was experiencing my wife, Mary Ann, took me to Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center. The care that I received in the emergency room by Dr. Lee, the nurses and the radiology department was excellent. I can also tell you …

Big Mistake

Dear Editor, The mayor and council are making a big mistake by not releasing the report they commissioned regarding the April 2004 firehouse anti-gay harassment incident. They are now making a bigger mistake by attempting to correct this mistake without admitting they made a mistake by commissioning the investigation in the first place. Let’s face …

Tax credits for film and TV production are vital to N.J.’s economy

Dear Editor: On Monday, Jan. 10, the New Jersey Senate and Assembly both decisively passed SB 690. This legislation reinstates and enhances New Jersey’s Film and Digital Media Rewards Program, which had been suspended last year by Governor Christie for fiscal year 2011 as part of a larger suspension and elimination of statewide tax credits. …