If I had the power

Dear Editor: At the Nov. 19 Board of Education meeting, Mr. Robert Anderson, President of the Secaucus Teachers Association chastised the Board for permitting Governor Christie to visit Secaucus High School, and allowing the governor to address a select group of students and hold a press conference. Speaking for myself, I viewed two statements Mr. …

What price water?

Dear Editor: I have been a resident of the Exchange luxury apartments since 2008. Recently we were informed that there is a modification to our existing lease agreement which states that each tenant will now be responsible for paying the water and sewer charges for our units. I have just recently received my bill for …

Message fallen on deaf ears

Dear Editor: The country is at 9.1 percent unemployment. Well paying jobs have evaporated. However, judging by recent non-teaching job appointments of $92,000 and $80,000 the Board of Education and school administrators have demonstrated their failure to grasp the concept of cutting salaries, not spending more. In April, voters in Secaucus voted down the school …

Supporting Judge Walrod of Secaucus

Dear Editor: I normally donโ€™t write letters to the newspapers; however, some events that transpire in our community require comment. The recent discussion at a town council meeting by out-of-town individuals receiving summonses for parking in handicap designated areas evolved into criticism of our municipal judge that is unwarranted and a disservice to Judge Walrod …