Valerie Fund Children’s Hospital says thanks for toy drive

Dear Editor: An open letter to the Gucci Family! The Shooting Stars want to express our appreciation for your recent Toy Drive, supporting the Valerie Fund Children’s Hospital for leukemia and cancer disorder. Thanks to you and your generous gifts, over 81 children and their family, who battle this disease every day received gifts. You …


Dear Editor: The year 2011 saw many changes in our town, mostly for the better. I, for one, am very thankful for all the support my department has received from Mayor Mike Gonnelli and the town council, as well as the local businesses and residents of Secaucus. With the relocating of the food pantry and …

Secaucus, the little town with a huge heart

Dear Editor: All of us at Tomorrows Children’s Fund have come to recognize that Secaucus is the little town with a huge heart. In late October, Pat Belenski from Mayor Michael Gonnelli’s office contacted us to inform us that Tomorrows Children’s Fund had been selected to receive proceeds from Secaucus’ First Annual Community Ball. This …

Leaves blow

Dear Editor: On a recent afternoon, sitting in the park with a cup of espresso (carried from a nearby cafe with no outside tables), I was reminded, as leaves fluttered around me, of one of Shakespeare’s sonnets: “That time of year thou mayest in me behold, When yellow leaves, or none, or few, Do hang …

Holiday safety tips

Dear Editor: As a retired New Jersey State Trooper and former Sheriff of Hudson County please find for the residents of Hudson County the following holiday safety tips to assist in ensuring all enjoy a happy, healthy and most of all safe holiday season. Always be aware of your surroundings and the persons in the …