Taxing what hurts us

Dear Editor: New York City Mayor Bloomberg’s decision to ban supersized sugary sodas has resurrected the age-old debate over the role of the state in protecting the public health. In recent years, this debate involved bicycle helmets, car seat belts, tobacco, trans fats, saturated fats in meat and dairy products, and sugar (or more aptly, …

We will continue to improve

Dear Editor: Recently, the Leapfrog Group released a nationwide study of patient safety. I commend the organization for compiling such vital information, which is essential for individuals to make very important decisions regarding their healthcare needs. The survey was for a three year period which ended on March 31, 2011. The survey gave Meadowlands Hospital …

Stop Senior Hunger Food Drive

Dear Editor: Mayor Gonnelli and the Senior Advisory Board would like to take this opportunity to thank the following businesses and organizations who served as drop off locations for the First Annual Stop Senior Hunger Month Campaign benefiting the Emergency Food Bank of Secaucus: Allstate Secaucus; BoneFish Grill; Clarendon Elementary School; Comfort Keepers; Harmon Cove …

With sincere gratitude

Dear Editor: On behalf of the Little People of America – Garden State Chapter, I would like to thank Fred and Melissa Vogel for the hours of planning, organizing, promoting, blood, sweat and tears that went in to this year’s Annual Charity Run for LPA in memory of Fred’s brother, Mark Vogel. Mark was a …