Back to school food

Dear Editor: With the new school year just around the corner, parents’ attention is turning to school clothes, supplies, and lunches. Yes, school lunches. Traditionally, USDA had used the National School Lunch Program as a dumping ground for surplus meat and dairy commodities. Not surprisingly, its own surveys indicate that children consume excessive amounts of …

A letter of thanks

Dear Editor: We would like to thank everyone for their mass cards, thoughts and prayers, and the numerous donations to the Wounded Warrior Project in memory of our mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Loretta Kloo. Special thanks to the Secaucus Police Department and the New Jersey State Police for their assistance and escort to the …

Humbled by hometown

Dear Editor: I am truly thankful for the wonderful tribute I received recently with the dedication ceremony of Paul Amico Way, formerly New County Road. It is humbling to have a street in your hometown named in your honor, and I am grateful that the town and the county saw fit to do this while …

We love the USA too

Dear Editor: After the Wisconsin shooting at Sikh Temple, We, South Asians living in the USA and Canada, must beef-up security at all our Temple and Mosque for protection of our people from further loss of precious lives. American Hindus, Sikh, and Muslims love the United States of America and they feel the USA is …

You gotta be kidding me

Dear Editor: The item in the Briefs section of the July 29 Secaucus Reporter reporting the theft – there is nothing else to call it – of Secaucus taxpayers’ money by the Meadowlands Commission was ire-provoking in itself, but the accompanying article reporting the Commission’s meddling in the affairs of the Secaucus fire department was …

The right name

Dear Editor: When you enter Union City from its neighboring towns and cities, Mayor Brian P. Stack, welcomes you with a sign that states “Union City proud of our ethnic and diverse culture”. This statement was emulated on July 26, 2012, when the Union City Board of Education named the new school at 15th Street …