Help fight Alzheimer’s

Dear Editor: On 9/11/12, my dear father Corrado Salvemini lost his battle with Alzheimer’s. He was 81 years old. Alzheimer’s is a cruel disease that ravages the brain and slowly robs its victims of their memories and cognitive function. Eventually, victims loose their ability to walk, talk and swallow/digest solid food and liquids. The specific …

Just to clarify

Dear Editor: I am writing this letter to assist in the clarification of issues that have arisen recently concerning security and safety for my members and all persons at the Hudson County Department of Family Services. I am, the president of AFSCME Local 2306 and we represent 500 plus employees within the department. First and …

Double talk

Dear Editor: I begin this letter paraphrasing a quote from Albert Einstein. “When the powers that be have the schools and press under its’ thumb their able to sway the emotions of the masses” Now, that being said. It is bad enough that Mayor Gonnelli now controls the Board of Education, he now would like …

A great thank you

Dear Editor: A great thank you to Mayor Gonnelli, for the concerts you and the council members have supplied to the town all summer. Also, thanks to the restaurants for the food supplied, it was wonderful. The seniors and residents enjoyed the evenings. It was a great night out. Thanks again for a great summer. …

The Dana Christmas Scholarship for Heroism

Dear Editor: The PSEG Foundation and the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA) are pleased to announce the availability of the 2012 application for the Dana Christmas Scholarship for Heroism. The Dana Christmas Scholarship for Heroism was established to honor the Seton Hall University student who is credited with saving lives and helping …