
Dear Editor: To those of you that have seen my photo in my campaign advertisement and are unfamiliar with my ongoing battle with Mayor Gonnelli’s character assassination of me. Permit me to explain, the misinterpretation of what supporters interpreted to be my giving an OK sign. My intention was to make it appear that I …

Kids self-manage diabetes on school grounds

Dear Editor: As of January 29th, 2010 children with diabetes have been allowed by NJ law to self-manage their diabetes in public schools. NJ law N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.11-21 allows a parent to provide written authorization to the school nurse requesting that their diabetic child be allowed to self-manage on school grounds. The law states “C.18A:40-12.13 Development …

Kids self-manage diabetes on school grounds

Dear Editor: As of January 29th, 2010 children with diabetes have been allowed by NJ law to self-manage their diabetes in public schools. NJ law N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.11-21 allows a parent to provide written authorization to the school nurse requesting that their diabetic child be allowed to self-manage on school grounds. The law states “C.18A:40-12.13 Development …

Never done before

Dear Editor: Last year around this time, independent Mayor Gonnelli plotted with Secaucus Democrats to effectuate the removal of Tom Troyer from his position as Trustee on the Board of Education. Coincidentally, Mr. Troyer was an ardent supporter of Superintendent Radina. The mayor’s actions were unprecedented as no former mayor had actively opposed a candidate …

Senior freeze

Dear Editor: I am not sure everyone realizes that the state of New Jersey has a senior freeze program for property tax relief for owners who are 65 or over and live in their homes. To qualify, your income must be under a state determined maximum. The way the program works, once you establish a …

The search

Dear Editor: At the last Board of Education meeting (2/28/13) I asked the following questions. #1 How far along is the board in their search for a new superintendent? #2 Will our present-day superintendent be involved in the process? #3 If not, why not? The answer I received to question #1 was in their caucus …

Genuine Jersey pride

Dear Editor: On behalf of Special Olympics New Jersey, I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the support of Governor Chris Christie and Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno with the signing of Bill S1855. This bill designates our organization as one of the NJ Charitable Funds residents may choose to endorse with a donation on …