Say no to a Con-Con!

Dear Editor: I notice that the pretentious potentates trying to take our guns away are now trying to destroy our 2nd amendment gun rights, and turn us into victims of criminals, by destroying our U.S. Constitution by organizing a U.S. Constitutional Convention, also known as Con-Con, among our states. So, the subversive elements who hate …


Dear Editor: I will not allow Frank Degillo in a letter to another paper covering Secaucus get away with his attempt to make it appear that I am against the bocce league need for a third court. I get annoyed when someone can not understand what to me was a simple question. Frank, people are …

Hudson County court night

Dear Editor: On Thursday, May 9, 2013, the Superior Court of New Jersey, Hudson Vicinage, in partnership with the State Bar Association and Foundation, the Hudson County Bar Association and Foundation, and the Hudson County Advisory Committee on Minority Concerns will be hosting the 5th Annual Court Night at the Brennan Courthouse, 583 Newark Avenue, …

‘I feel like the victim of a scam perpetrated by my very own state’

Dear Editor: I bring to your attention a highly unsatisfactory system perhaps exhibiting negligence by the N.J. Department of Health regarding our Garden State’s medical marijuana program. My wife was diagnosed with cancer in November of 2012. We had just (barely) survived Sandy and were happy to be back in our previously evacuated apartment to …

For those with autism, the community is the classroom

Dear Editor: April is Autism Awareness Month. The lifelong developmental disorder, once rare, now affects 1 in 49 New Jersey children and their families. And as the rate of autism has grown, the effects of autism have rippled out, reaching into schools, churches and synagogues, supermarkets, movie theaters, restaurants, fire departments and first aid squads, …

Reforming Medicare with a Part D Blueprint

Dear Editor: President Obama is making Medicare a key topic of the federal spending discussion. Both parties have an opportunity to pursue commonsense reforms that preserve the program while achieving bipartisan support for fixing what isn’t working. I believe that parts of the Affordable Care Act can conceivably be implemented with minimal dislocation, but only …


Dear Editor: To those of you that have seen my photo in my campaign advertisement and are unfamiliar with my ongoing battle with Mayor Gonnelli’s character assassination of me. Permit me to explain, the misinterpretation of what supporters interpreted to be my giving an OK sign. My intention was to make it appear that I …