Traffic nightmare

Dear Editor: It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to alleviate the problem of the Pulaski Skyway closure. The two lanes available should alternate in the North or South direction according to the busiest times of the day or night. This includes Sunday nights when beach goers are coming back from you …


Dear Editor: TV host Glenn Beck and other stalwarts of the Christian right have attacked the recent blockbuster “Noah” as being “pro-animal” and unfaithful to the Bible. Well, yes and no. The film is both pro-animal and faithful to the Bible, at least to the Book of Genesis, our only source for the story of …

Vegetarians live longer

Dear Editor: This week’s Time Magazine cites several reasons for vegetarians living longer. The article was prompted by a report in American Medical Association’s Internal Medicine that a vegetarian diet lowers blood pressure, a key factor in risk of heart failure and stroke. The Mayo Clinic notes that vegetarians are at lower risk for developing …

Kosovo 1999

Dear Editor: March 23, 2014 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the war in Kosovo. Eight years prior to that, was an endless stream of atrocities from that part of the world. The systematic rape and impregnating of the Kosovo women was most appalling. The murder of forty boys and men was also attributed to the …

Providing internet

Dear Editor: Providing internet to low-income families won’t improve educational standards of children local school districts, cable companies, and technology companies are working hard to market a new “technological advancement” to provide educational tools to low-income families via high-speed internet services. Yesterday, Forbes announced a new public relations campaign by Khan Academy and Comcast to …

Check and protect

Dear Editor: On Tuesday, February 18th, a fast moving 5-alarm fire ripped through a multi-family home in Weehawken. The fire began on the first floor of the three story building and soon engulfed the entire structure. A total of 11 individuals were displaced and at least two adjacent buildings were damaged by smoke and water. …

Idiot writer

Dear Editor: In reply to that smarmy writer for the New Yorker Magazine, whom you wrote about in your February 9 article, I have a few things to tell him. First, his ignorance is manifest by the fact that he doesn’t know that there are far more pigs in Iowa than in New Jersey. Second, …