Private donations should not influence how public property is used

Dear Secaucus Reporter and Mayor Gonnelli: Private donations should not influence how public property is used. I believe Gandhi would not want a statue of himself erected under these conditions. He was a holy man, not ego driven. He inspired many, the same way Dr. Martin Luther King and Saint Pope John Paul II inspired …

National Salvation Army Week

Dear Editor: In 1865, William Booth founded The Salvation Army in London, addressing both the physical and spiritual needs of desperate individuals roaming the streets. Fifteen years later in 1880, The Salvation Army began its work in New Jersey. Since then, The Salvation Army New Jersey Division has provided humanitarian relief and spiritual guidance to …

Work is worship

Dear Editor: The news, ‘Leadership in action, Mayor Gonnelli honored at annual leadership event’ published on the front page of The Secaucus Reporter dated May 4, makes our town and all its residents proud because their leaders’ hard work was rewarded. It’s likely said that work is worship but neither the post nor the guy. …

Congrats, Hudson Reporter, on your awards!

Dear Editor: Congratulations on winning eight statewide awards on reporting and being recognized by your peers…it doesn’t get any better than that. My best to you, David, Lucha, and the entire staff at the Hudson Reporter, for a job well done day-after-day, week-after-week, year-after-year! Peter La Villa Former Mayor of Guttenberg

The Salvation Army celebrates volunteers for National Volunteer Week

Dear Editor: For over 130 years, The Salvation Army in New Jersey has been fighting the battle to meet the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of many local residents. Our 28 Corps Community Centers, 137 Service Units, Adult Rehabilitation Centers, Shelters and Residential Camp all provide a wide array of programs and services to New …

The Caregiver bill

Dear Editor: Caregivers save lives, reduce suffering, and help people maintain their independence & dignity remain in their homes and communities. Caregivers keep their loved ones out of hospitals and nursing facilities—saving tax dollars. In addition to companionship, caregivers perform medication management, injections, and wound care. Unfortunately, most caregivers receive little or no training to …

Women are at the epicenter of the Alzheimer’s disease epidemic.

Dear Editor: The recently released Alzheimer’s Association 2014 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures reveals that almost two thirds of American’s living with Alzheimer’s disease are women and that more than 60 percent of Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers are women. A woman’s estimated lifetime risk of developing Alzheimer’s at age 65 is 1 in 6, compared …