Prieto broke promise

Dear Editor: Thanks to Al Sullivan for his excellent stories on the ongoing privatization threat to Liberty State Park from wrong-headed legislation. Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto should be ashamed of himself for breaking his Liberty State Park promise in his 2/5 press release at the time of the governor signing a bill, with last minute …

April to November

Dear Editor: At the Jan 22 Board of Education meeting the Board voted approval to move the Annual School Board Election from April to November. In my opinion the meeting should have been held at the PAC (performance arts center) in the high school. The performance that took place that night between the eight Board …

Affordable health coverage in Hudson County – time is running out

Dear Editor: What’s in your wallet that you value most? A health insurance card, along with the security and peace of mind that quality, affordable coverage brings with it, should be near the top of everyone’s list. We are all just one accident or unexpected diagnosis away from needing health insurance. Yet, for generations, millions …

Emphasis must be placed on preventing opiate addiction in the first place

Dear Editor: We are pleased to see Governor Christie expand on the growing problem of opiate addiction in his recent State of the State Address. The attention the governor is focusing on this issue and his proposals for improving treatment and making it more accessible are important steps forward. We also applaud the governor’s efforts …

Garcia applauds Port Authority for dropping service cuts

Dear Editor: Democracy is indeed alive and well. Here’s the proof. When a plan to cut overnight PATH train service was unveiled in the midst of the holidays there was a collective chorus of voices from all walks of life expressing opposition for obvious reasons, primarily because of the economic hardship it would cause riders …