Should developers get tax incentives?
State report critiques JC abatement policy; city writes rebuttal

Are tax abatement agreements with developers good or bad for Jersey City? A new report by the New Jersey Policy Perspective, a non-profit public policy think tank based in Trenton, examines that question as it looks at flaws in New Jersey’s long-term tax abatement law and at Jersey City’s use of that law. The 13-page …

State report critiques JC abatement policy; city writes rebuttal

Superior scribe
Reporter Kaulessar is ‘Employee of the Month’

Ricardo Kaulessar, the Jersey City beat reporter for the Hudson Reporter newspapers, may come off as a mild-mannered scribe – but don’t let his calm exterior fool you. Beneath his mysterious mien is a rapier wit, a flair for covering one of the toughest towns in New Jersey, and a whole lot of talent. Kaulessar …

Reporter Kaulessar is ‘Employee of the Month’

Take photos anywhere!
Snap a pic of you and friends with Reporter or Community News

We got some new photos this past week from Weehawken and Hoboken of our readers enjoying the Reporter newspapers during their travels. We’d love to see more. Where have you gone? Be creative or just be natural – as long as you appear with a copy of the paper. _____________ If e-mailing, please send the …

Snap a pic of you and friends with Reporter or Community News

16 pols arrested in Jersey City
Snagged in fed sting on bribery and money laundering

A who’s-who of Jersey City politicians and political consultants left U.S. District Court in Newark on Thursday afternoon after facing corruption charges. Sixteen out of the 44 people who faced charges in the now-infamous FBI sting either worked or lived in Jersey City. The two-pronged federal operation looked into international money laundering and public corruption …

Snagged in fed sting on bribery and money laundering

Biggest political scandal in NJ history
Public surprised after local mayors, officials, rabbis arrested in sting

It apparently started with money laundering among the Syrian Jewish communities in Brooklyn and New Jersey, and ended on Thursday with more than a dozen local political officials ensnared for illegal campaign donations. Local residents reacted last week with surprise and intrigue to the now- FBI sting operation that included the arrests of more than …

Public surprised after local mayors, officials, rabbis arrested in sting

Budget woes loom
Facing $42M deficit, officials look at finances for upcoming year

Facing an estimated $42 million dollar deficit, Jersey City’s municipal budget is very much on the minds of local officials. The fiscal year began this past July 1 and runs until June 30, 2010. Usually, officials in the city’s financial office start doing a draft budget early in the fiscal year to get a general …

Facing $42M deficit, officials look at finances for upcoming year