
Former JC commissioner Serrano indicted The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Newark announced on Thursday that former Jersey City Housing Authority Commissioner and City Council candidate Lori Serrano has been indicted and charged with accepting $10,000 in bribes from the government’s cooperating witness, Solomon Dwek, allegedly in exchange for her assistance on Dwek’s purported Garfield Avenue …


Council considers changing parking rules
Resolution will make it easier for residents to park, avoid booting

An ordinance proposed by City Councilman Steven Fulop that would revise the city’s parking regulations has been withdrawn temporarily until the executive director of the Parking Authority can address the council about it. Fulop, who represents the city’s downtown area, put forward the measure at the council caucus on Nov. 23 to address a variety …

Resolution will make it easier for residents to park, avoid booting

Problem on Pine Street
Neighbors don’t want basketball stars to build tutoring center nearby

Will it be just a facility for kids to come in the afternoon to prepare for high school, or a magnet for increased traffic and noise on a quiet, dead-end street? That is the debate between two opposing groups over 183 Pine St., where a building will be constructed and operated by the Jersey City …

Neighbors don’t want basketball stars to build tutoring center nearby

New indictment sheds more light on Healy
Deputy Mayor Beldini pleads not guilty in corruption sting

Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini pleaded not guilty last week to a six-count indictment charging her with taking money from a government informant who offered bribes to political and religious leaders this past spring as part of an FBI sting. More interestingly, the indictment contains assertions that Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy was more …

Deputy Mayor Beldini pleads not guilty in corruption sting

Uphill battle
Activist group loses suit to move state 9/11 memorial

A local activist group that has been challenging the construction of the state’s 9/11 memorial in Liberty State Park is unsure of their next move now that their suit was dismissed last week. The State Superior Court’s Appellate Division ruled on Monday that the Friends of Liberty State Park (FOLSP) should have filed their legal …

Activist group loses suit to move state 9/11 memorial

You can be like Obama
JC native, Kevin from ‘Real World,’ comes out with new book

“Obama is not the exception to the rule. His achievements are not beyond the possibilities for you. Find your passion, find your cause, locally and nationally, and keep it moving…” – From the essay “Open Letter to Young America” by Kevin Powell Noted writer, activist, and Jersey City native Kevin Powell aims in his new …

JC native, Kevin from ‘Real World,’ comes out with new book

What will new gov do with Xanadu?
Christie’s been critical of $2B Route 3 retail/entertainment center

The recent election of Chris Christie as governor could impact the direction of Xanadu Meadowlands, the $2.3 billion retail/recreation facility being built on Route 3 in East Rutherford. Despite being under construction for five years, Xanadu still isn’t completed and its opening date has been pushed back several times. Xanadu developer Colony Capital now hopes …

Christie’s been critical of $2B Route 3 retail/entertainment center

Creating a place to pray
Caribbean Hindus buy Kennedy Blvd. building

Rajendra Persaud was leading services last Sunday as the head pandit (Hindu priest) at the Hari Om Tat Sat Cultural Center on West Side Avenue in Jersey City. About 50 parishioners, Hindus from Guyana and Trinidad, sat on the floor listening to his sermon of the day on what he calls “getting back to basics …

Caribbean Hindus buy Kennedy Blvd. building