Hospitals fighting over bodies
In tough times, is Jersey City swiping Hoboken patients?

Hoboken University Medical Center is in tough financial straits, as are most area hospitals who have to deal with insurance reimbursements and other issues. Now, HUMC CEO Spiros Hatiras is concerned that patients who normally would be brought to his hospital are being unfairly diverted by ambulance to Jersey City Medical Center. Christopher Rinn, JCMCโ€™s …

In tough times, is Jersey City swiping Hoboken patients?

An obstacle course in the air
Pilots will participate in major air race in JC

The Red Bull Air Race is coming to Jersey City, possibly bringing thousands of dollars in revenue to area businesses. The international series of air races, in which professional pilots navigate an obstacle course, will be held in the skies over Liberty State Park on June 19 and 20. Bruce Bedell, event marketing manager for …

Pilots will participate in major air race in JC

Revised tax abatement because of two floors?
Newport developer seeks exemption because of future corporate tenant

The developers of Jersey Cityโ€™s Newport Office Center VI want a tax abatement so that they can convert parking space on the second and third floors of 570 Washington Blvd. into office and storage space at the request of a future corporate tenant. The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), a company that deals in …

Newport developer seeks exemption because of future corporate tenant

Homeless become more visible
Annual count takes place later this month

Last week, the temperatures in Hudson County were so low that homeless people who showed up at shelters in Jersey City and Hoboken were bused to the third shelter in the county, the PERC Shelter in Union City. The buses were commissioned by the United Way of Hudson County. The transfer occurs when the Hudson …

Annual count takes place later this month

What to do if you canโ€™t pay JC taxes
Mixed reviews of councilmanโ€™s plan to help struggling residents

Jersey City Councilman Steven Fulop has a plan to help city residents struggling to pay their property taxes in tough economic times. Fulop said he will introduce an ordinance at the Wednesday, Jan. 13 council meeting to allow homeowners to pay the city over a three-year period if they show proof that they will have …

Mixed reviews of councilmanโ€™s plan to help struggling residents

Pine Street controversy continues
Planning Board postpones hearing on proposed educational facility

The Jersey City Planning Board has postponed until Feb. 9 a hearing on 183 Pine St., where former high school basketball stars Jerry and Jasper Walker want to create an after-school tutoring program for seventh and eighth graders to be operated by the non-profit group Team Walker. While the delay was requested by Walker, residents …

Planning Board postpones hearing on proposed educational facility


Welcome to the 2010 preview issue This special issue of the Hudson Reporter newspaper replaces your regular weekly issues in Hoboken, Guttenberg, North Bergen, Secaucus, Jersey City, West New York, Weehawken, and Union City. This issue is a โ€œ2009 Year in Reviewโ€ issue, and the upcoming Jan. 3, 2010 issue will be a โ€œ2010 Previewโ€ …
