Yes to air race, no to race cars
Grand Prix event won’t be among events at park

Liberty State Park in Jersey City will be the site of various unique events in the next few years including the 2010 Red Bull Air Race New York in June, the third Annual “City of Water Day” in July, and Liberty Humane Society’s Bark in the Park in October. But as of last week, auto …

Grand Prix event won’t be among events at park

Good things come in threes
Preschoolers interact with their blind counterparts

Sometimes when people are exposed to a difficult or unusual situation early in life, they understand it better when they get older. That sums up the intent of a special program for 3-year-olds in the early childhood classes in the Jersey City public school system. Some of those 3-year-olds are using space this year in …

Preschoolers interact with their blind counterparts

Having a ball
Major League Baseball-sponsored competition comes to JC

It was Saturday morning baseball for more than 60 Jersey City Little Leaguers who gathered at the Caven Point Athletic Complex in the city’s Greenville section on May 1. But it wasn’t any ordinary ball game. Instead, the Aquafina Major League Baseball Pitch, Hit, and Run competition was in session. The competition for kids ages …

Major League Baseball-sponsored competition comes to JC


Former JC Councilman Kenny sentenced for taking bribes U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman announced on Tuesday that former Jersey City Councilman Phil Kenny was sentenced in U.S District Court in Newark to a year and a day in prison for accepting $5,000 in bribes in exchange for agreeing to help obtain real estate development approvals …

Good sports
Hudson County Sports Hall of Fame induction dinner is May 13

The Hudson County Sports Hall of Fame Committee has announced that its annual induction dinner will take place on May 13 at 6 p.m. at the Casino in the Park, located in Lincoln Park, Jersey City. The annual event brings together many of Hudson County’s famous sports figures. _____________ Del Purgantorio coached baseball and basketball …

Hudson County Sports Hall of Fame induction dinner is May 13

Kicking butts
Local students find unique ways to REBEL against smoking

For Jacqueline Bourdett, who lost both her grandfather and uncle to lung cancer, smoking has had an uncontrollable effect on her life. When Bourdett found Bayonne High School’s chapter of REBEL, she found her voice and felt empowered against smoking. _____________ “My uncle was a big smoker and he had lung disease, so I sort …

Local students find unique ways to REBEL against smoking

A ‘reval’ is coming
Some property taxes may rise even higher, others will drop

Some Jersey City taxpayers who are recovering from a recent tax increase may get hit with even higher taxes starting in 2013, while others may get a break. That’s because Jersey City is in the process of doing a revaluation of all real estate properties in the city. A reval is an assessment to determine …

Some property taxes may rise even higher, others will drop

Watch for road repaving, brightening
Downtown streets like Chris Columbus Drive get makeover

Major roads in downtown Jersey City are finally getting a makeover, although some fear what will happen when Christopher Columbus Drive turns into a five-lane highway. Right now, a new traffic island is being added to an intersection at Second and Washington streets. The city is also paving and widening pothole-ridden Christopher Columbus Drive, and …

Downtown streets like Chris Columbus Drive get makeover

Restoring nature
Gov’t agencies to build new JC nature trail, bring back wetlands

There was a time about a hundred years ago when salt marshes, tidal creeks, and wetlands framed the southern part of Lincoln Park on Jersey City’s west side. But much of that natural beauty has vanished, and some of the remaining wetlands have been used by anonymous parties who threw trash there over the years. …

Gov’t agencies to build new JC nature trail, bring back wetlands

A trip through history’s dark chapter
Local teens, adults learn more about Holocaust

Nathali Arias, a senior at McNair Academic High School in downtown Jersey City, wanted to know more about the Holocaust than what she read in history books. So she made up her mind to be part of a group that traveled to Eastern Europe last month to visit the sites that had a place in …

Local teens, adults learn more about Holocaust