Mayor Zimmer: Tax relief coming
Five percent decrease expected when city budget is introduced on Wednesday

When the city introduces its new budget on Wednesday, it will contain some good news for Hoboken taxpayers. According to Mayor Dawn Zimmer, there will be a decrease in city taxes when the six month budget is introduced at the Sept. 1 council meeting. Councilman Michael Lenz also said there will be a five percent …

Five percent decrease expected when city budget is introduced on Wednesday

A changing Hoboken
City launching public seminar before town-wide redevelopment begins

When Mayor Dawn Zimmer entered the political scene, it was, in part, because of concerns about redevelopment being done incorrectly and worries that the public’s voice might not be heard. Redevelopment is the process in which a city takes underused land, changes the zoning requirements, cleans it up, and finds a developer to build according …

City launching public seminar before town-wide redevelopment begins

Public schools set to open Sept. 7
Hoboken says hello to HoLa

With 35 retirements or resignations of administrators and teachers expected by the end of this month, the Hoboken school district will see an unusually high number of staff changes when classes begin on Sept. 7. Earlier this month, the Board of Education announced that Bartholomew Reilly, the current vice principal of Wallace Primary School, will …

Hoboken says hello to HoLa

Celebrating a summer of reading
City kids take part in library’s summer initiative

Summer offers children the opportunity to break away from the grind of school and books. However, some children in Hoboken have chosen to continue their reading into the summer time. On Aug. 26, young readers from the city gathered at the Hoboken Public Library to celebrate their reading achievements. “We had 124 [children] that joined …

City kids take part in library’s summer initiative

What’s up in the 13th congressional district?
Rep. Sires gives status report on critical issues

Rep. Albio Sires met with the Hudson Reporter this week to give an update on various issues concerning the 13th Congressional district, including healthcare initiatives, immigration reform, homeland security, job creation, federal funding to help with local tax relief, infrastructure funding for bridges and roads, and of course, the fate of the Bayonne Bridge and …

Rep. Sires gives status report on critical issues

Republican on the run
Congressional candidate takes on politics in a Democratic county

Though “diminutive” in size, West New York resident and Union City native Henrietta Dwyer has been ruffling a few big feathers in Hudson County politics lately, and she’s not making any apologies for it. Dwyer, who describes herself as “fiscally conservative, socially moderate,” is a registered Republican – a breed few and far between in …

Congressional candidate takes on politics in a Democratic county


Holiday Hudson Reporter editorial and advertising deadlines Because of the Labor Day holiday, some of the Hudson Reporter newspapers will have special advertising deadlines. For the Sept. 8 edition of the Bayonne Community News, the display ad deadline is 5 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 2. The classified deadline is noon on Friday, Sept. 3. For …

Location, location, location
Parent, superintendent exchange words over pre-K placement

Late last month, the Hoboken Public School District asked dozens of parents of pre-kindergarten age children to select their top three school choices for their kids. “First they sent us a letter saying which pre-K school system our child would be in,” said Hoboken resident Suzanne Elwin last week. “My letter said my son would …

Parent, superintendent exchange words over pre-K placement