Walk this way
Groundbreaking at Weehawken Cove adds another piece to riverfront walk

During a speech last week, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise said that when Henry Hudson’s crew arrived at Weehawken Cove (which lies on the border between Weehawken and Hoboken) over 400 years ago, Hudson’s first mate Robert Juet called the cove “a very good harbor.” Then, DeGise joked, the crew found a ticket on their …

Groundbreaking at Weehawken Cove adds another piece to riverfront walk


Sibling of Hoboken woman in Peace Corps needs your help Ariel Simons, the 24-year-old sister of Hoboken resident Rachel Simons, is currently serving in the Peace Corps and living in Lesotho, an impoverished country within the territory of South Africa. Simons has made a two-year commitment to the cause, and currently works in a school …

Police layoffs effective Sept. 24
Despite rallies, council majority supports Zimmer police reduction plan

The City Council’s 5-4 defeat of Councilwoman Beth Mason’s non-binding resolution recommending that Mayor Dawn Zimmer rescind the impending police layoffs appears to be the loudest and possibly final fight in the council chambers before the layoff of 18 police officers and demotion of 19 senior officers becomes effective on Friday, Sept. 24. However, some …

Despite rallies, council majority supports Zimmer police reduction plan

Drink, dine, and help Church Square Park
With support of website, group hopes to raise $100,000 for improvements

Zabrina Stoffel and Regina Gannon were enjoying a day in Liberty State Park when the two Hoboken residents, appreciating the beauty of the Jersey City park, thought, “Why doesn’t Hoboken have something like this?” And the idea for Hoboken Project Play was born. The organization is now raising money to improve conditions at Church Square …

With support of website, group hopes to raise $100,000 for improvements

Western Edge, 2.0
New redevelopment plan draws mixed reviews

Not everybody at the Jubilee Center was satisfied with the new draft of the Western Edge Redevelopment plan introduced on Tuesday. However, Mayor Dawn Zimmer’s goal is to address the public’s concerns and present a final design for the plan to the council on Sept. 22 at a public budget workshop. Council members Michael Russo, …

New redevelopment plan draws mixed reviews

We wuz robbed!
How Hoboken, birthplace of baseball, lost the museum to Cooperstown

Recently, I watched the annual Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony on television. Thousands of fans gathered at the museum in Cooperstown, in upstate New York, to honor a gritty slugger from Chicago, a scrappy manager from St. Louis, and an umpire so revered by players that they nicknamed him “God.” While watching the broadcast, …

How Hoboken, birthplace of baseball, lost the museum to Cooperstown

Tabakin appointed interim attorney
City Council votes 8-0 with one abstention; job may become permanent

Mark A. Tabakin, of the firm Weiner Lesniak, will serve as the city’s interim corporation counsel until a permanent replacement for Michael Kates can be hired. Tabakin, who has worked for the city on employment cases, is a candidate for the permanent position, according to Mayor Dawn Zimmer. Councilwoman Beth Mason abstained from the 8-0 …

City Council votes 8-0 with one abstention; job may become permanent

Liberty Humane Society plans ‘Cirque du Septembre’ two-day adoption event

The Liberty Humane Society animal shelter in Jersey City will host “Cirque du Septembre”, a circus themed adoption event on Sept. 18 and 19. For two days on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 18 and 19, the shelter will be turned into a fun- filled circus for people in the community to come with pets, families, …


Hoboken Fall Arts and Music Festival set for Oct. 3 On Sunday, Oct. 3, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mayor Dawn Zimmer and the city of Hoboken will present the Hoboken Fall Arts and Music Festival. The event will take place on Washington Street between Observer Highway and Seventh Street. The event will feature …

What’s in your water?
Breaking down Hoboken’s water quality report

On average, 4.2 million gallons of water are provided to Hoboken from United Water every day. Many residents wonder, ‘is it safe?’ especially after getting those robocalls saying the occasional brown water is safe to drink, but not to wash clothes in. Every year, United Water and its parent company Suez Environment release a report …

Breaking down Hoboken’s water quality report