A war hero’s reward
Bayonne names school after Nicholas Oresko

At five-foot, seven-inches tall when he enlisted in the U.S. Army during World War II, Nicholas Oresko always thought his lack of height might interfere with his dreams. He wanted to be everything from an airplane pilot to a firefighter, but he never imagined he would win the Congressional Medal of Honor, or that he …

Bayonne names school after Nicholas Oresko


Rent control: The votes have been tallied The readers have spoken, and the result may come to a surprise to some. Last week, we asked “Is rent control in urgent need of reform?” Approximately 75 percent of you answered one way. To see the results, check out www.hudsonreporter.com, and click on the story “Waiting for …

Waiting for reform
Rent control changes not on the forefront of council agenda – yet

Rent control was described by a city official recently as the “third rail of politics” in Hoboken. For months, it appears no one has gone near the issue. But there are a few people in the city who have chosen to grab onto the dangerous rail with two hands, fully aware of the potential consequences. …

Rent control changes not on the forefront of council agenda – yet

Going down swinging
Corruption allegations lobbed as campaign goes to the finish

To put it mildly, political campaigns in Hoboken are controversial. Even a contest in a single ward in this city can resemble desperate combat. If you need proof, take a look at the special 4th Ward election. With just days to go until Election Day, both sides have cried foul and called for investigations into …

Corruption allegations lobbed as campaign goes to the finish

Hoboken, seen from the hill
Stevens Institute students feel right at home in the Mile Square City

In college towns all across America, local residents groan when August arrives and college students disrupt their often quaint, quiet neighborhoods. In Hoboken, however, this may not totally be the case. Students of Stevens Institute of Technology genuinely like Hoboken – in fact, many say they love it. Stevens was ranked number 12 in the …

Stevens Institute students feel right at home in the Mile Square City

Working with water
An inside look at the North Hudson Sewerage Authority

When Dr. Richard Wolff, chairman of the North Hudson Sewerage Authority (NHSA) walked into the treatment plant on his first day on the job in 1988, an employee sat with his feet up on the desk, an ‘I Love Lucy’ episode was playing on a small desk television, and approximately 30 people who were on …

An inside look at the North Hudson Sewerage Authority


Still need time to decide before Election Day? The Hudson Reporter has you covered. Our debates will remain online through Election Day. Councilman Michael Lenz and challenger Tim Occhipinti faced off in a head-to-head debate tackling the issues. It is a must-see before you head to the polls on Nov. 2. View the debate online …

One more week
Campaign temperature certain to rise as Election Day draws near

Councilman Michael Lenz and his challenger Tim Occhipinti have faced off in public debates, worked the streets of the 4th Ward, lobbed press releases, broadcasted their positions and their endorsements, and now face one last week of hard campaigning before the residents of their ward decide who will represent them on the City Council, and …

Campaign temperature certain to rise as Election Day draws near