Rent control changes up for more discussion Wed.
8,000 units could be affected by amendment

One side says the proposed changes to Hoboken’s rent control ordinance go too far. The other side says they don’t go far enough. “That probably means we’re somewhere in the middle,” said Council President Beth Mason, whose subcommittee recently proposed changes to Hoboken’s rent control ordinance, originally established in 1973 to protect tenants from advantages …

8,000 units could be affected by amendment

Personal service is their policy
Insurance agency marks a whopping 105 years

If you got all your information about insurance from TV commercials, you’d think the industry had something to do with lizards and chirpy sales ladies — unless, that is, you happened to walk into Muller Insurance at 930 Washington St. in Hoboken. And “walk in” is the operative phrase. Unlike many household-name insurance companies that …

Insurance agency marks a whopping 105 years

What is private?
Weinberg blasts BMC for $25,000 contribution to Republican group

A $25,000 contribution made to a controversial Republican political group from the Bayonne Medical Center has raised questions from a Bergen County lawmaker, who believes the funding was meant to help the group defeat legislation that would require privately owned hospitals to open their books up to the government. _____________ “I believe BMC is lobbying …

Weinberg blasts BMC for $25,000 contribution to Republican group


Hoboken permit parking renewal extended until Feb. 28 The city of Hoboken’s Parking Utility will extend the 2011 residential parking permit renewal period until Feb. 28. Current 2010 resident parking permits in good standing will remain valid until the end of February. “During this renewal season, [the Hoboken Parking Utility] is focusing its attention on …

Chewing up the coastline
Engineers find a bevy of new problems along Hoboken’s waterfront

Only 393 of the piles holding up Pier A on Hoboken’s south waterfront – or 29 percent – are functioning as designed and pose no immediate concern, according to an engineering study commissioned recently by the city of Hoboken. When a portion of Sinatra Drive North, a county road, collapsed into the Hudson River on …

Engineers find a bevy of new problems along Hoboken’s waterfront

Prepping for St. Pat’s Day
Also: Board appointments made; rent control postponed

The City Council made several Zoning Board appointments on Wednesday, referred proposed changes to the rent control law to a subcommittee for further discussion, and tabled changes to the controversial Corner Cars program. With St. Patrick’s Day only six weeks away, the council also began planning for the parade and festivities, which bring in thousands …

Also: Board appointments made; rent control postponed

Parking space wars
Hoboken isn’t first city to grapple with car sharing and parking

A system allowing residents to rent on-street Hertz rental cars for hourly rates has become a political football in Hoboken, with council members who support the administration of Mayor Dawn Zimmer supporting the initiative, and those who criticize Zimmer voting against it. The critics –including some residents and business owners – have complained that the …

Hoboken isn’t first city to grapple with car sharing and parking

New prez for Stevens, but what about the garage?
Planning called into question by advocacy group

After a scandal at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, the university has named a new president. However, the future of the university’s continued development near the waterfront is not as certain. The Board of Trustees named Dr. Nariman Farvardin, the provost of the University of Maryland, as the seventh president of the college …

Planning called into question by advocacy group

Not so fast
City of Hoboken files to become ‘intervenor’ for proposed gas pipeline

Hoboken will officially join Jersey City and Bayonne in opposition to the proposed Spectra Gas Pipeline that is proposed to run through the latter two towns and near the Hoboken border. The city intends to file with the federal government for intervenor status, making Hoboken an official stakeholder in the pipeline discussions. A resolution put …

City of Hoboken files to become ‘intervenor’ for proposed gas pipeline