Number duplication, ebola and geopolitical life/death decisions

Dear Editor: I have always found the subject of number duplication to be fascinating. If you were to take $1 double it and each successive day each dollar doubled itself you would in thirty short days have amassed a fortune of $536,870,912. Numbers doubled and redoubled increase exponentially. In infectious disease, it quickly becomes apparent …

‘Hoboken Residents for a Public Waterfront’

Dear Editor: This Tuesday evening, October 28th, there is an important decision that will be rendered relating to the Barry family / Applied Companiesโ€™ proposed Monarch development (โ€œMonarchโ€). The Hudson County Board of Freeholders (โ€œFreeholdersโ€) are holding a special meeting to vote on whether the original Hudson County Planning Boardโ€™s (โ€œHCPBโ€) February 2012 decision to …