First impression

Dear Editor: I believe that the road surface of Observer Highway is in unacceptably poor condition. I believe that any non-political, unbiased evaluation of the road surface by the City of Hoboken would reveal the road is in need of repaving. Furthermore I believe that the road has been in need of paving for at …

Hoboken Quality of Life Coalition statement regarding the proposed Stevens Gateway Project

Dear Editor: The Hoboken Quality of Life Coalition commends the community group Hudson Street Alliance and the Stevens Institute of Technology for setting an excellent example for ensuring that development projects meet the needs of the community. The residents of Hudson Street came together to express their concerns logically and clearly, and Stevens listened and …

Irish eyes are….what?

Dear Editor: We all know that the St. Patty’s day parade is dangerous. My goodness, all those police officers and firemen, playing the bagpipes, standing straight and proud. That is just a travesty. Oh, and the priests. Well, you know how damaging these critters can be, along with face painting and balloons. We all can …

Remembering Vincent Ascolese: HHS Sports Hall of Fame Dinner of Years Past

Dear Editor: Recently, legendary North Bergen football Coach Vincent Ascolese passed away. His passing brought to my mind a dinner in 1995. As a tribute, here’s the scene. Hoboken High School has come off a banner year in sports — the Hudson county baseball championship; the girls softball team finishing with over 25 wins; Julio …

Nutrition panel tells all

Dear Editor: The U.S. Advisory Panel on Dietary Guidelines has finally mustered the courage to recommend that Americans eat less meat and dairy products. And not just to lower our risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and obesity, but also because it slows the rate of climate changes, with its own devastating consequences. The …