In a dream

Dear Editor: I woke up this morning midway in a dream. I was in an old garage in Jersey City near the Grove St. Station. It had been converted into an apartment. It was a pretty unappealing apartment, but as the tenor of the block and people on it set in I exclaimed this is …

Community leaders seek Democratic Committee Representatives

Dear Editor: Over the years, we have worked with Mayor Zimmer and the Hoboken City Council to implement a long-term solution to flooding, save our hospital, open new parks, promote balanced development, significantly reduce municipal taxes, and much more. However, the great progress we have seen in Hoboken hasn’t happened by accident. Good government requires …

It’s time for The Innovation University to be allowed to innovate

Dear Editor: As the founder of the NJ Tech Meetup and proud Hoboken resident, I am writing to express my strong support for Stevens Institute of Technology’s application for the development of the Academic Gateway Complex, to be located on Hudson and Sixth Streets. My relationship with Stevens began approximately 5 years ago when, as …