
Dear Editor: It is positively stunning to hear the Democrats in Hoboken. Last night, at the protest, Democrats standing around me were all concerned that the “Party” is looking bad. I asked them; “Who has run Hoboken and Hudson County for the last 50 years?” I have seen the corruption in Hudson County occur almost …

Baseball back?

Dear Editor: Baseball Back? It never really left us! As the published Historian that found the first baseball game here, and the 150 year history complete with the name Hoboken and where it came from originally (see the idea to bring a major baseball team complete with a place for them to play is …

Confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor makes me proud of our democracy and great opportunities of America, we’ve progressed as people!

Dear Editor: There are few decisions that a president makes that have such an obvious long term impact as the selection of a new Justice to serve on the Supreme Court. Presidents come and go in a few years, but federal judges hold their jobs for life, and the decisions they make will affect all …

Roberts is a gentleman

Dear Editor: Dave Roberts: Fireman, Councilman, Gentleman, Mayor and very good friend of the Veterans of this Town of Hoboken. Dave has made this town one of the most desirable Cities to live in. Open Space, better Schools and more parks are some of his accomplishments. More are Sybil’s Cave, a sand beach at Maxwell’s …