Wait and see with Zimmer

Dear Editor: The recent FBI sting has really put our fair city on the map. The publicity given to the arrest and resignation of the ill-starred mayor-elect Peter Cammarano has focused attention on the corruption that has disgraced Hudson County since the “good old days” of “Boss” Frank Hague, the bygone county executive who out-Tammanied …

My zoning statement

Dear Editor: The July 26 edition of the Hoboken Reporter referred to the comments I made to the City Council on July 22 concerning the appointment of Zoning Board members. The Hoboken Reporter stated that in the past I received phone calls from a past Mayor to look kindly on favored projects, especially for campaign …


Dear Editor: There is a homeless man who spends most of his time on Washington Street in Hoboken. Whenever I talk to him, he’s hungry, and when I can I’ll buy him a bagel or a roll and maybe a piece of fruit and some coffee. One night I saw him trying to get comfortable …

Hoboken citizens must demand integrity and transparency

Dear Editor: Since 2003, Hoboken’s People for Open Government has striven to promote open, accountable, and transparent municipal government, encourage active participation of residents in municipal affairs, and lessen the undue influence of campaign contributions on public policy. Recent corruption charges brought against our mayor and a sewerage authority commissioner suggest that Hoboken still has …