School uniforms

Dear Editor: I am writing in response to the letter regarding school uniforms that appeared in the Hoboken Reporter on 11/15/2009. I have a child in the public schools and I think it’s a great policy and would like to see it enforced. The current school uniform policy in Hoboken is really more of a …

The sub-metering program should not be discontinued

Dear Editor: I am a Marineview Plaza tenant and believe the sub-metering program should not be discontinued. Ideally, this program should deter tenants (since those who operate their air conditioning/heating units 24/7 would have very large bills) from using an excessive amount of electric, and reward tenants who consume electric responsibly. (Note: Tenants who reside …

School uniforms

Dear Editor: Over the past few weeks, there has been renewed talk about school uniforms. Admittedly, there is much room for improvement in the Hoboken Public Schools. Hallmarks of successful schools usually include high expectations of students and teachers, a rigorous curriculum, and a sense of community, or belonging among the student body and faculty. …