Enlivening Ourselves

Dear Dr. Norquist: I’ve noticed lately that the older I get the more cynical I’ve become. I remember that in my 20’s and even in my 30’s I was much more trusting of others, taking their word at face value, for example. I’ve lived longer now and have had more personal and inter-personal battle scars. …

Enlivening Ourselves

Dear Dr. Norquist: I’m having problems about how to deal with difficult changes in my relationship with my girlfriend. We have been going out for four years now. We get along very well and have managed to stay close despite the fact that we have been in separate colleges. Recently, I’ve been feeling the need …

Enlivening Ourselves

Dear Dr. Norquist: I read your columns regularly and I’m always looking for ways to better myself but I always come up lacking. I make mistakes. Sometimes I’m not prepared enough. Often I’m late. Lately I’ve been getting angry at my girlfriend when I know she doesn’t deserve it. I get so angry at myself …