Republican power

In some ways, Republicans in Hudson County are forced to play the role as loyal opposition, meaning that they are not likely to win many local elections, but their role is to keep the system honest. For Republican County Chairman Jose Arango, the challenge is in finding good candidates who are willing to fight to …

In Tune With June!

Whenever I learn that a new Woody Allen film is coming out, I look forward to seeing it. I have rarely been disappointed, although I’ve reached a point where I found myself hoping that the writer/director would not be seen on the screen. Well, in the wonderful “Midnight in Paris,” the hero is played by …

Going underground

Despite his loss in the election to a ticket led by Dr. Felix Roque, former West New York Mayor Sal Vega won’t be going away any time soon. In a political war that strangely resembles the conflict going on in Libya, Vega appears to be hunkering down for a long-term battle. This includes defending his …