Moving ahead
Bayonne Medical Center on the mend – despite problems

Bayonne Medical Center announced last month that it had made a profit of nearly $10 million last year. While this should have been good news for Bayonne, a city that for several years lived in fear of its hospital’s closing, the announcement comes amid several problems: an ongoing lawsuit with a major insurance carrier, notices …

Bayonne Medical Center on the mend – despite problems

When nothing is real
Local author looks at history of existentialism

In the early 1950s, “The New York Times” ran a headline saying “God is dead.” Along with the invention of the printing press and the dropping of the first nuclear bomb, the headline signified a major shift in world perception and an emerging philosophy called “existentialism.” Critics have dubbed this as “the philosophy of selfishness,” …

Local author looks at history of existentialism

On the hot seat
Council candidate Cupo responds to questions about his past

Even as he was being interviewed regarding questions that came up at the online Hudson Reporter debate for Bayonne council candidates, John R. Cupo’s campaign workers milled around in front of his office, some tapping on his door to be let in. Some of his campaign workers, including one of those in front of his …

Council candidate Cupo responds to questions about his past

How to help out
Volunteers wanted for Hudson Regional Health Commission Medical Reserve Corps.

If you would like to volunteer to help in times of public health emergencies here in Hudson County, the Medical Reserve Corps is looking for you! The tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001 and the more recent natural disaster, Hurricane Katrina, in August 2005, have tested the resolve of the American people. Currently our nation …

Volunteers wanted for Hudson Regional Health Commission Medical Reserve Corps.

Not just the council
Bayonne residents can vote for 2 state legislators on Nov. 3

Although Bayonne residents can vote on Nov. 3 for a new councilman and for the New Jersey governor, there are also two state Assembly seats in contention. Assembly seats have two-year terms. Voters can choose any two Assembly candidates on Nov. 3, and those do not have to be from the same party. Some are …

Bayonne residents can vote for 2 state legislators on Nov. 3

Voters’ choice
Candidates for at large seat clash during debate

Four of the six candidates running for the Nov. 3 special election to fill the unexpired at-large council seat vacated by Anthony Chiappone clashed during a videotaped debate at the Hudson Reporter offices on Oct. 17. Often heated, the debate highlighted the positions each of the candidates took on a variety of critical issues – …

Candidates for at large seat clash during debate

Not politics as usual
Chiappone case has deep political roots

Documents associated with the state Attorney General’s indictment of Assemblyman Anthony Chiappone show investigators interviewed not only his legislative aides, but some of those people who opposed him politically, including one-time mayoral candidate Vincent Militello. “I believed all along that the charges against me were politically motivated,” Chiappone said when confronted with the information about …

Chiappone case has deep political roots

For the birds
Eagle Scout earns his wings by building bird houses

When most people think of homelessness, they don’t think of birds. People, yes. Even stray cats and dogs. Yet when Matthew Grapstul of Troop 27 saw old trees being cleared for development, he immediately knew birds were being displaced. Sure, people planted new trees to replace the old trees. It’s just not the same. Old …

Eagle Scout earns his wings by building bird houses