Residents protest affordable housing building
City officials defend 45th Street development

Still clutching a subtly racist flyer someone spread through the upper east side neighborhood, neighbors of a proposed affordable housing development raised their objections at a City Council meeting last week, saying they were never notified of the project and feared its impact on their quality of life in an area city planners claim has …

City officials defend 45th Street development

Making it real
Students learn about environment the hard way โ€“ by cleaning it up

โ€œGet some gloves and pick a partner,โ€ Tom Tokar yelled, standing on the water-sodden lawn near Ahern Stadium in a small curve along Newark Bay. Students from Bayonne High School grabbed a pair of white gloves left in a pile on the lawn, then marched down a narrow path to a 60-yard-long beach, which rain …

Students learn about environment the hard way โ€“ by cleaning it up

Not over yet
Dismissed racial suit claims judge had personal connection to city

A U.S. District Court judge who dismissed a discrimination suit alleging that the city of Bayonne violated the civil rights and free speech of two African-American employees was apparently a contributor to then-Mayor Joseph Doria at the time of the alleged discrimination. An appeal filed on the behalf of Earl Rowan and Simon Taylor, two …

Dismissed racial suit claims judge had personal connection to city


Bayonne man charged with assault on police The Hudson County Prosecutorโ€™s Office has taken the case of Gerald G. Morton, 54, of Bayonne, who is charged with aggravated assault on four Bayonne police officers after an incident on May 21 when he allegedly attempted to stab four police officers with a knife and a pen. …

Athletic firm charged with ripping off schools
Executives who did business with Bayonne and Jersey City districts are indicted

The former chief financial officer and chief executive officer of Circle Systems Group Inc., a leading supplier of athletic equipment and reconditioning services, have been charged with allegedly directing a long-running fraud against schools in New Jersey that included Bayonne and Jersey City. U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman said a week ago Wednesday that Mitchell …

Executives who did business with Bayonne and Jersey City districts are indicted

Handle with Care
Contractor digs up grenade ; arrests in arson at high school

A contractor digging to install a patio at 43 E. 17th St. near Avenue E uncovered a grenade that later turned out to be a non-explosive one used for training, according to Deputy Police Chief Ralph Scianni. Thinking it may have been a working explosive, workers for Lucha Construction moved the devise to the front …

Contractor digs up grenade ; arrests in arson at high school

They need your hands
Non-profit organizations recruit Hudson County residents at expo

โ€œAre you interested in films?โ€ Bob Martin of the Garden State Theater Organ Society asked a woman as she stopped at his table at this yearโ€™s Volunteer Expo at the Loewโ€™s Jersey Theater in Jersey City on April 26. The eight-hour-long event was designed to bring together potential volunteers for not-for-profit organizations, which always need …

Non-profit organizations recruit Hudson County residents at expo

A presidential recognition
Bayonne woman honored for volunteer effort in helping soldiers

Raeann Hempel received The Presidentโ€™s Volunteer Service Award last week for her work in providing comfort to military men and women overseas. A resident of Bayonne, Hempel became involved with a group called Soldiersโ€™ Angels about seven years ago. Itโ€™s an organization designed to provide aid and comfort to the men and women of the …

Bayonne woman honored for volunteer effort in helping soldiers