Thank you Senator Stack and Assemblyman Ramos for real help and leadership

Dear Editor:
I would like to take a moment to thank Senator Brian Stack, Assemblyman Ramos and their office and staff for listening to real issues and concerns that Hoboken Housing Authority residents are facing.
In October Senator Stack and Assemblyman Ramos held mobile office hours in the Hoboken Housing Authority during this time residents were able to speak about real issues and concerns we face. I would like to thank Assemblyman Ramos’s staff for being on hand to help also.
Since October, Senator Stack and Assemblyman Ramos have helped numerous residents with much needed items including warm clothes and coats for the winter, furniture for the disabled and children, food, and also helped with many more people with their personal issues.
Finally, I would like to say thank you for your door to door delivery of turkeys during the Thanksgiving holiday. The turkeys allowed for some families to enjoy a nice holiday dinner with their family, the feeling to be able to enjoy a holiday with family is something words can not describe.
Once again, from the bottom of my heart I say THANK YOU to Senator Stack and Assemblyman Ramos for helping and listening in these hard times and I am glad to have representatives like the both of you and we will not forget that you remain, as always, a phone call away…

Eileen Stone

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