Greaney calls for public debates

Dear Editor:
Two weeks ago, I announced my candidacy for Councilman in the Second Ward. Since that time, I have been greeted by an outpouring of support from residents and well wishers throughout the Ward – and beyond – who want real change on the City Council. I sincerely thank all those who are stepping forward to rally to my candidacy and offer words of encouragement.
Hoboken is, indeed, at a crossroads, and 2011 will prove to be a pivotal year in local government. We must continue to move forward as one community to ensure that our city has a future as bright and energetic as its residents. We cannot allow our town to be detoured by petty bickering, political power-plays, and the corrupt politics of the past.
Accordingly, I am taking this opportunity to officially challenge the present council member from the Second Ward, Beth Mason, to a series of public debates to fully discuss the issues in the open so that the people of the Second Ward can determine for themselves who is most qualified to represent their interests on the City Council. For that is what this election is really about – representing the best interests of the people, and not merely having a pre-occupation with one’s own agenda. Transparency and reform require nothing less than a public accounting for our public actions.
I am confident that once the voters compare my record and pro-active policies to that of my opponent, they will realize that I am the clear choice to be their independent voice on the council, and in City Hall.
I am committed to putting the needs of all of our people first, and the concerns of taxpayers at the top of the list. From fixing our city’s infrastructure to fighting to keep Hoboken’s hospital open, I am determined to serve the pressing needs and best interests of the people of the Second Ward for the benefit of the entire City of Hoboken.
Many of the issue positions that I am advocating can be found on my website, I invite everyone to visit it, and ask all to join my campaign. Please sign up as a volunteer, and participate in any way you can. The future of Hoboken really is at stake.
We need real change on the City Council and we need it now, if Hoboken is going to remain the kind of livable community we all desire. We must put people before politics, and remember the taxpayers who pay the bills. It’s time to seek out new solutions and implement innovative ideas that will benefit everyone. We cannot rely on the very people who created the problems to move our city forward.
We need a new City Council in 2011. I humbly ask for your vote in the May election, and I welcome your support.

Tom Greaney
Second Ward Council Candidate

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