Roberson Home unit for sale

When the units at Roberson Home went on sale several years ago, they were snatched up even though requirements for purchasing them were very strict. Recently, one of the homes has been put back on the market and the Bayonne Housing Authority has expanded the range for qualified applicants.
Applications can be picked up at the Bayonne Housing Authority offices located at 549 Avenue A in Bayonne between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The sale will be done by lottery, which will be held at 2 p.m. on March 14 at the BHA offices.
Unlike the previous lottery, those working in Bayonne can apply. People who also own property or owned property in the past are eligible, but must maintain the Roberson Home as a primary residence for five years after the sale to qualify. There are also income requirements – a minimum of $70,000 and a maximum of $140,000 for the purchaser. The purchase price of the home is $350,000.
Because of the difficulty in gaining mortgages many people are facing in today’s market, the BHA will hold the mortgage requiring a 5 percent down payment ($17,500) and a mortgage rate of 4.5 percent annually over 30 years.
“We contacted the remaining people on the original waiting list,” BHA Executive Director John Mahon said. “But time and the economy changed the situation for many people. Some – to their credit – actually managed to buy a home since we last put these up for sale.”

Civil Rights leader visits Bayonne

Rev. Horace Sheffield III, a civil rights leader associated with Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, met with community leaders in Bayonne on Tuesday, Feb. 15, to discuss allegations raised in a lawsuit against the city.
Several suits have been filed against the city by 10 former and current city workers claiming racial slurs were allegedly made by supervisors, and that the city allegedly discriminated against workers of color.
A spokesperson for Mayor Mark Smith said he would be willing to meet with the civil rights leader, but noted that all of the allegations against the city predated Smith’s taking office as mayor.

Freeholders appoint two to Ethics Board

The Hudson County Freeholders voted to approve the appointments of Mirta Cairo and Doreen Gynn to the Hudson County Ethics Board, affirming the nominations made by County Executive Tom DeGise last week. Cairo is of Union City, Gynn is of Secaucus. Their terms will expire on Dec. 31, 2014.

BHS swim team advances to state finals

After beating Montclair High School last week, the second-seeded Bayonne Bees swim team advanced to the sectional finals, and are awaiting the outcome of another match to determine which school it will compete against and where.

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