
Due to a language translation error, in last week’s article, “Meet the candidates,” it was incorrectly stated that West New York mayoral candidate FiorD’Aliza Frias had referenced a potential shift in ethnic leadership during an interview with NECIO TV. This statement was never said or written by Frias or anyone else in her committee.

Settlement reached in Vega sexual harassment suit

The anticipated trial for the sexual harassment lawsuit lodged against West New York Mayor Sal Vega was swept off the table last week after the town’s former chief financial officer reached a settlement with the town, according to city spokesperson Michael Makarski.
Vega is up for re-election in May.
The town’s insurance carrier will pay money to Darren Maloney, the former CFO, but exact details of the settlement have not been disclosed. Before this week, Vega’s side had sought to dismiss the suit.
Maloney served as CFO from 2001 until 2008, when he was suspended with pay by the Board of Commissioners. The town petitioned the state on Nov. 26, 2008 to seek immediate suspension without pay and revocation of Maloney’s CFO certificate on the basis that he allegedly made unauthorized payments to a contractor and allegedly failed to keep adequate records.
Maloney alleged that he was suspended because he rebuffed sexual advances by Vega.

UC Art Gallery at City Hall announces February art exhibit

Union City Mayor Brian P. Stack and the Board of Commissioners announce that the City of Union City will host their February art exhibit at the Union City Art Gallery at City Hall with an opening reception on Thursday, Feb. 17 at 6 p.m. The February art exhibit is dedicated to celebrating women in the arts.
The opening night reception will feature an art exhibit by artists America Ariz, Lorena Gomez, Maria Dopico, and Juana Torres. Union City Art Gallery curator Amado Mora and the Union City Artist Collective are organizing the event. The event will also feature a special concert featuring classical pianist, Lida Lopez Mancheva, and a book presentation and readings by author Laura Orvieto.
Refreshments will be served and admission to the event is free.
The Union City Gallery at City Hall features different artists in monthly exhibits. Artists that would like to be included in future exhibits should contact the Union City Office of Public Affairs at (201) 348-5746 for more details.

Grace Theater Workshop now holding registrations for free classes

The Grace Theatre Workshop, Inc. will be holding registrations for theatre classes for children ages 8 and up every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Jose Marti Freshman Academy, 1800 Summit Ave., Union City.
After paying a registration fee of $25 per student, children can also enjoy unlimited free classes in Ballet, Jazz, Flamenco, Tap/Rhythm, Salsa, singing, and acting.
To register, children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. All classes are FREE. No special clothing or equipment needed. Open to all children from Hudson County
For information, call (201) 864-7149 or log on to

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