The New Jersey Fire Sprinkler Advisory Board Residential Fire Safety Tips

Dear Editor,

To help keep your family and home safe from fire, here are some tips to follow, provided by the New Jersey Fire Sprinkler Advisory Board.

Take time to check smoke detectors to ensure they are working properly and have full battery power.
You should have at least one smoke alarm for each floor of your house, with one placed centrally near the kitchen and one placed in the upstairs main hallway.
It’s recommended that you check the batteries in your smoke alarms when its time to turn the clocks forward or backward.

Keep an up-to-date list of emergency fire, police and medical phone numbers near your telephone. Show every member of your family where this information is kept and teach all children how to call for help in case of an emergency.

Develop an escape plan with your family from multiple rooms within your home, both upstairs and downstairs.
This week and throughout the year, take time to review the escape plan with your family, including a practice fire drill.
In your plan, select a meeting place outside your residence that’s a safe distance away from the property where you can be easily spotted by fire and other emergency professionals.
For second floor bedrooms, we recommend purchasing a chain-link safety ladder that’s kept close to the windows and easily accessible.

Ensure the address number on your residence is free from obstructions and debris, and can be read clearly from 20 or more feet away.

Make sure windows of children’s rooms are well marked to indicate them to firefighters.

Keep flammable liquids free from heating sources, and store them in a cool location. Also, keep them separate from other stored items such as paper products and cloth materials.

Keep a watchful eye on space heaters, and make sure there is at least 3 feet of clear space around them when in operation. Do not leave a space heater on unattended.

Consider researching and investing in residential fire sprinklers to protect your family and property. If your residence has fire sprinklers, ensure that they are inspected periodically by trained professionals.

The New Jersey Fire Sprinkler Advisory Board

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