Times hints that Hoboken/Jersey City condo market may be coming back

HUDSON COUNTY — A New York Times real estate article from Sunday hints that the condo market may be rising again in Hoboken and Jersey City.
The story starts: “Last month a few strong blips indicated a quickening pulse on the New Jersey condominium market. Or maybe just a pulse. There were 15 sales in four weeks at one building in Jersey City, 6 at another, 5 at a Hoboken building where sales had been lagging — even a premarketing sale at a town house development in Livingston. Portents of a spring revival? Or a mere minitrend that will melt with the last of the snow?”
The story quotes developer Dean Geibel as saying that February was the best month in two years for his developments Gulls Cove in Jersey City and Metro Stop in Hoboken.
For more on development in Hudson County, see the Reporter’s recent Progress Report insert HERE.

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