Trashing the city

Dear Editor:
I have never seen Union City so dirty in the 25 years I have lived here.
After the snow melted that was around since before Christmas of last year! I couldn’t believe how people can be so careless with garbage, discarded articles and dog do thinking the snow will cover it all up.
I wondered how Union City will ever get clean again I was about to call Mayor Stack to suggest that he issue an SOS notice to all homeowners to help in the effort to get Union City clean again and low and behold Union City was clean before I could pick up the phone!
I must congratulate Mr. Henry Munker, Superintendent of Public Works and his team for an outstanding job. They deserve a heartfelt “thank you” for getting Union City back to normal in such an expedient and efficient way.
So seldom do we interact with the city’s Public Works teams always there behind the scene, that I felt compelled to write this note to acknowledge their role in keeping our city clean and orderly.
This also serves as a reminder to all home owners and superintendents that we must do our part as well. I do admit that the city could do a better job reminding home owners/supers, etc. periodically what their obligations are and rules and regulations about recycling, etc., but it is also our responsibility to be know the laws and be informed!
Take a walk around the neighborhood on a garbage night and observe the way people put out their garbage – the city provides us with orange and blue recycling bins – many do, but then there are many who don’t and if they do, with the wrong content. Would any of us want to pick up the garbage we put out in torn plastic bags with food spilling all over? Or paper bags soaked from rain? Why do we disrespect the sanitation people in such a way? But we easily complain when things aren’t the way they are supposed to be. So, the next time you encounter a team member from the Public Works, including the diligent street sweepers you meet every morning, give them a friendly “hello” – they are the ones to help us make our city livable and will make Union City a friendlier place to call our home and while you are at it, look at your front yard, clean up the garbage, plant some flowers, bushes especially now in Spring!
Let’s all work together to make us proud to live here – let’s take an example from cities like the famous scenes from Paris, where store keepers hose down the sidewalk in front of their establishments every morning and even clean the gutter!

H.R. Leavy
25 + year resident of Union City

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