It is time for our voices to be heard!

Dear Editor:
My name is Nabil Youssef; I am honored to become one of the Jersey City Board of Education candidates. I have 18 years experience as a high school math teacher eleven of those years are invested in The J.C.P.S. system. I am a parent of two children that attend The J.C.P.S., I am teacher in the morning and a parent at night which gives me the opportunity to see the classroom and homework dilemma.
It is time for a real change in the system for new ideas and new faces. Stop saying, “it is working,” when the data and result of the state exams say the following, “In Jersey City, 37 schools out of 44 failed to meet AYP.” As taxpayers we are rated the highest paying city and state nationwide. Our children deserve a better education. The district educates a student for 12 years (1-12 grades) in our system, it cost the state about ($211,000) in the 12 years to earn a high school diploma (state pays about $17,600 a year/per student) a percent from that money for each student comes from our tax money in Jersey City. Stop it – enough is enough!
The main questions I would ask any candidate running for a seat in the elections is,
A) Why you running for that seat?
I am running because I believe in public education and have seen our education deteriorate. I’ve also been asked to run by many students, parents, and teachers. All of us share a main goal, saving public education.
B) How will you contribute in fixing the system?
1. Implementing technology, new curriculums and helping to fix Scheduling (schedule students in the classroom according to there needs and strengths not according to there last names. Stop assuming that all students learn at the same pace or are on the same level).
2. Stop irresponsible spending while looking for more transparency. (Our district has over spent in programs the last 10 years millions of dollars.)
3. If elected I will make sure that the Students, Teachers, Our Community, and Parents Voices are heard. They should have a positive role fiscally and be able to vote in any plan before the JCBOE can go ahead and profit. I know where our needs and our strengths are based.
I am a candidate that is running 100 percent independent. The only obligation I have is to the J.C.P.S. Students, the Jersey City tax payers and voters. I have no obligation to any politicians or union leaders. I feel proud to receive support as an independent candidate our community, union members, teachers, parents, and students. I’ll never let them down Vote for Nabil Youssef – independent candidate choice (A-6).
Thanking you in advance.

Nabil Youssef, LHS, Math Teacher, M.A.
JCBOE Candidate A-6

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