Theater offers classic movie series

Hoboken’s Clearview Cinemas gives new look at old films

Ever wonder what it would be like to experience the 1975 classic horror movie Jaws with the shrieks of the swimmers in Amity Island echoing from a 21st century surround sound system?
Hoboken’s Clearview Cinemas, the year-and-a-half-old theater by the border with Weehawken and Union City, is offering a “Spring Classics Series.” Famous films made between the 1940s and 1980s will show at the theater at 14th and Grand streets.
The “Classic Film Series” first began in a Manhattan theater in 2001. The series gives filmgoers an opportunity to see the films as they were first presented, but in a modern theater.

Prices are lowered to $5 per film.
A spokesperson for Clearview Cinemas said that moviegoers often ask the company to bring old-time, favorite movies to the big screen. The executives at Clearview use the input gathered from audience members at the theaters and through the company’s website to collect classic movie suggestions.
“What better way to bring the Hoboken community and people from surrounding neighborhoods together than with a classic film event,” said Beth Simpson Crimmins, vice president of marketing and business development of Clearview Cinemas. “Whether moviegoers are seeing these films for the first or fifth time, we are giving them the opportunity to watch Hollywood’s classics the way they were meant to be seen, on the big screen.”

From Casablanca to the Godfather

The age of the films varies from week to week, but are always presented on Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m.
The theater also holds a special pre-show where they discuss the movie, host movie trivia, and raffle off prizes like movie tickets, DVDs and t-shirts.
Earlier this month, the theater presented the 1972 film “The Godfather,” and on April 21, it will show the 1942 classic “Casablanca.” At the end of the month, on April 28, the theater will show the 1941 film “Citizen Kane.”
In May, the theater is honoring Steven Spielberg, and will show “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” “E.T.,” “Back to the Future,” and “Jaws.”
The company is also in the planning stages of presenting a different classic series in August that would directly incorporate movie requests from the Hoboken community.
Movie prices are always an issue for film buffs, but the prices are lowered from $11 for a usual movie to $5 for the classic films.
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