Be a leader not a follower

Dear Editor:
The Board of Education must play a major role in shaping Jersey City. The BOE manages the business of education and is responsible for the future of our children and whether or not the children are able to compete in the global job market when they become of age. Members must show by example what it is like to be a leader and not a follower. They must make it clear that being smart is cool, failure is not an option and one must never accept mediocrity. The Board of Education members need to be decision makers and make decisions that allow students to compete, excel, and succeed in achieving a better life for them and their family. Furthermore, the BOE must meet the challenges of disruptive change and develop strategies to help these students to learn discipline, have a chance to move to a higher level as professionals, i.e. doctors and lawyers. You don’t have to be Harvard to know that.
Part of education is common sense. Common sense tells us that Jersey City schools are failing. Students must appreciate their education and want to go to school to learn. We are a wealthy country of great resources where many children do not want to attend school yet the poorer countries and third world nations would love to attend school and they unfortunately can’t because it is too costly and they are not able to afford it. Technically, here at home, a child from an economically disadvantaged family can receive a free education from grammar school through college. There are no excuses nor can there be. Education may be the key to success but the BOE has to be their lock smith.
Here at 25 Nelson Avenue my family and I will be supporting the Jersey City Board of Education candidates Marvin Adames, Carol Harrison-Arnold and Suzanne Mack. We fully believe these three candidates, as One Team, are the best choice to represent our children, the Board of Education and the tax payers of Jersey City. Please make a note as a reminder and circle your calendar to make sure you don’t forget to vote on Wednesday, April 27, between the hours of 2 pm and 9 pm, for Marvin Adames, Carol Harrison Arnold and Suzanne Mack. You will have an impact on the future of our children and the taxes you pay in Jersey City.

James Francis Waddleton

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