Response to Albio Sires fiscal year 2012 budget letter

To the Editor:
A letter from Congressman Sires in the April 20 edition asked for a federal budget that reduces the deficit in a responsible way. Congressman Sires criticizes Congressman Ryan’s budget proposal, but gives no suggestions to fix the monstrous federal deficit. Let us recall that reckless federal spending began with FDR’s New Deal and has ballooned through Barack Obama’s stimulus bills. Various entitlement programs were created to give free money at taxpayer’s expense to those that contribute nothing into the federal and state systems. Congressman Sires needs to get his facts straight and stop putting a spin on the situation at hand.
Congressman Ryan’s budget proposal is smart and strict but it does not reduce healthcare subsidies for current seniors on Medicare and Medicaid. This budget cuts benefits for anyone under 55. The last time I checked, anyone 55 and younger is not a senior citizen.
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid were originally created to assist the less fortunate and then ultimately gain votes at the polls. Now illegal immigrants, unemployed people, and people who choose not to work are illegitimately accessing these programs and robbing Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Our corrupt government has also plundered these programs. The time is now to cut these programs. We must accept that. Many will be in complete denial of this, but ultimately these programs are nothing more than Ponzi schemes and we will never see one dime.
Congressman Sires states that Congressman Ryan’s budget also cuts programs such as job training, housing assistance, and education. Job training comes from working a job. Jobs are created by businesses, large and small. Period.
Congressman Sires is also worried about cuts to housing assistance. Housing assistance for whom? Is it for the illegal immigrants or is it for the people who applied for a mortgage that couldn’t afford it? Fifty-two percent of people who actually pay taxes have to absorb the bankruptcy and subsidy costs of the non-collateralized mortgages.
Government in charge of education? Really? Since the Department of Education formed, performances in spelling, grammar, and mathematics have not improved in over four decades. Instead, children are being indoctrinated in our public schools. They are being taught what to think not how to think. Just watch “Waiting for Superman.” Basic skills are ignored, but theories like global warming and ideas of socialism and Marxism are emphasized. Why? An intrusive government allows this to happen.
Congressman Sires, you demonize the 5 percent wealthy in this country, but have no shame soliciting for campaign dollars from the same millionaires and billionaires. Your hypocrisy is overwhelming. Congressman Sires, the wealthy create jobs, stimulate the economy, and donate billions of dollars to charities. You must be one of the most obtuse people in political office.
U.S. Air Force

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