Scott Delea thanks voters and volunteers

Dear Editor:
We had an amazing election day on Tuesday May 10th and I am so proud of our team. We ran an incredibly strong independent campaign based upon the right principals and a plan to improve our city.
Despite being vastly overspent and going up against an incumbent councilman backed by the Mayor, we came in a respectable second place out of four candidates and fell short of getting into the runoff by 16 votes.
I stand by my belief that the future of Hoboken lies in our ability to find common ground rather than perpetuate the “us” vs. “them” mentality so prevalent in our city. We ran a clean, honest campaign staffed by a team of hard-working and passionate volunteers who were a cross-section of Hoboken…young, old, rich, poor, born and raised, newcomer and everything in-between. And, thanks to all of you, we were funded by friends, family and other small businesses that recognize the importance of building a stronger community while growing the local economy to create jobs and reduce taxes.
I will continue to stay as committed as ever to making a difference in Hoboken by continuing my work with Party With Purpose, The Boys and Girls Club and creating jobs with my company Inflexion Interactive. If you have any interest in being involved with any of these great organizations, please send me an email.
Special thanks to key members of the team including Jason, Eduardo, Jeff, Vincent, Jen, Diane, Lucille, Stacey, Don, Brian, Matt, Ryan M, Ryan, Natalie, Rob, Mario, Tom, Joe C, Joe M, Ethan, Cory, Manny, George, Catherine, Eileen, Jamar and of course my family. You are all incredible people and Hoboken is a better place because of you.
Best wishes to Perry Belfiore, Lenny Luizzi and congratulations to Peter Cunningham.

Scott Delea

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