Moving elections to November should be up to the people

Dear Editor:
On July 20, the Hoboken City Council majority passed on second reading Ordinance Z-122 titled “An Ordinance to Change Municipal Elections in Hoboken to November…”
Some argue that moving our non-partisan municipal elections to November will save taxpayer money and increase voter turnout. Others argue that such a move will increase election partisanship and cause unwanted December run-offs.
I respect all of these arguments. However, I do not like the way the Hoboken City Council majority passed Ordinance Z-122.
First, this move seems like a power grab because it extends each elected official’s term of office by six months beyond what the public originally agreed to.
Second, there is a conflict of interest in having council people vote in favor of extending their personal employment contracts.
And third there was a failure to disclose to the public prior to the 2009 and 2011 municipal elections what the term of each office was going to be.
I therefore support a Referendum Petition demanding that Ordinance Z-122 either be repealed or submitted to the voters of the City of Hoboken for approval or disapproval. The people – not the council – should decide this issue.


Franz Paetzold
2nd Ward

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