Ramos urges post office closing reconsideration

Dear Editor:
The following is an open letter to the Postmaster General of the United States.
Postmaster General Donahoe:
I am writing this open letter to you in response to the United States Postal Service’s decision to close some 3,700 post offices around the country. The 33rd Legislative District, which I represent, is slated to lose nine of these offices. I would like to remind you that New Jersey is the most densely-populated state in the country, and Hudson County is the most densely-populated county in the state by a margin of two-to-one.
The high volume of people in this area necessitated the services of multiple post office branches in each municipality. In Hoboken, which is only one square-mile in area, there are four U.S. Post Offices in operation. The City of Hoboken, which now houses 50,000 plus people, is one of the fastest growing cities in New Jersey. While only a square-mile in size, Hoboken is a densely populated city, with a booming economy, numerous professionals, a distinct senior population, and a plethora of businesses. It is with this portrait of our city in mind that I implore you to take the unique needs of Hudson County, specifically the City of Hoboken, into consideration when you make the tough decision to close three of the city’s four post offices.
Allow me to preface my arguments by affirming that I understand the recent decision to reduce the number of retail outlets operated by the United States Postal Service. The postal needs of the American people have shifted dramatically over the last several years because of the advent of the Internet and privately-operated retail shipping companies. Given the economic downturn, and record deficit and debt levels, this model is no longer sustainable for the United States, let alone the Postal Service. However, I urge you to reconsider which offices are being considered for closure.
Many cities, including Hoboken, Union City, and North Bergen, are currently slated to lose many of their offices. Not only will this reduction prove to be unmanageable for the people of Hudson County, but also for those Post Offices which remain open. These remaining facilities will not be able to efficiently and effectively handle the exponential increase in business resulting from the impending closures.
Therefore, it is with sincerity and urgency that I ask for your reconsideration of the current Post Office reduction plan. These closures to my district are too draconian. Please take the unique and challenging needs of this district into consideration before making any final decisions about which offices will remain open.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. I would appreciate your immediate attention and I look forward to engaging in further dialogue about these closures, such that the citizens of the 33rd District aren’t left without a post office within a reasonable distance from their homes.

Very truly yours,
Ruben Ramos, Jr.
Assemblyman, 33rd District
New Jersey General Assembly

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