Troyer responds to Gonnelli’s response

Dear Editor:
Back in June, Secaucus Mayor Gonnelli became so infuriated at my questioning his drastic ill-advised cuts in the school budget he felt compelled to answer me in a letter.
For openers, he stated, “I do not respond to every letter critical of me and my administration, in this case I feel a reply is necessary in order to set the record straight and correct many of Mr. Troyer’s misleading and distorted assertions.’ ”
He then went to say, “while reading Mr. Troyer’s ‘musings.’ ” That’s a word I have never heard him use before, and makes we question who wrote this letter attacking me for him. Probably it was one of his inner circle contacts that provide him with information, (mostly wrong information) regarding our school superintendent, Board of Education trustees, teachers and staff.
A few weeks ago in a letter to this column, I promised to give my opinion of the flawed process Mayor Gonnelli employed in his defense of his drastic cuts in the school budget, at the proper time and place. This is not the time! However, while I am on the subject of “flawed process:”
If your readers could obtain a copy of court order, Docket No. HUD-L-2066-11 (there is one floating around Town Hall) do so. It will provide them with an insight on how the mayor and the council operate, and how they did their homework in this particular matter.
Remember this is the same Mayor Gonnelli who at the Board of Ed meeting pointed his finger at the Board of Ed accusing the board of not doing their homework. That same Mayor Gonnelli has the nerve to accuse me of half-truths, innuendos misleading and distorted assertions in my questioning the criteria and logic he employed in his drastic cutting of the school budget. Question: Did Mayor Gonnelli use the same logic and criteria he employed in his process of selecting the Broker of Record – Employee Health Insurance, for the Town of Secaucus? Apparently he did. That is why I accused Mayor Gonnelli of not cutting wisely.
Let the record show that the Broker of Record – Employee Health Insurance, at this present time is the same broker the mayor and council have attempted to shove down the Board of Ed’s throat under the guise of saving the town money if we both have the same broker. Speaking for myself, I have no problem with Mayor Gonnelli’s concept. My problem is who best can provide the coverage for the employees the board represents. For the record: the board is the final process of selecting a broker. As of this writing of this letter, no vote has been taken. You see, the Board follows a legal process.

Tom Troyer

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